Questione di accenti

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E tu come pronunci?

Poche parole:

“Please call Stella. Ask her to bring these things with her from the store: Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station”.

Se è vero che l’accento è il miglior modo per capire la provenienza di una persona, partendo dall’inglese, provate a distinguere un serbo da un croato!

Buon divertimento…

[fonte e dati più dettagliati: The Speech Accent Archive, via Rosalio]

Albanian-Kosovarian Birth place: Prishtina, Kosovo, Serbia
Age, sex: 19, male
Albanian Birth place: Tirana, Albania
Age, sex:33, male
Bosnian Birth place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Age, sex:21, male
Croatian Birth place: Unije, Croatia
Age, sex:81, female
Greek Birth place: Athens, Greece
Age, sex:19, male
Macedonian Birth place: Ohrid, Macedonia
Age, sex:19, male
Serbian of Bosnia Birth place: Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia
Age, sex:47, female
Serbian Birth place: Belgrade, Serbia
Age, sex:25, male
Slovenian this language is not a native language of any of our speakers. it is another language known by one or more speakers. please go to our search page and search on “other language”. (Per la gioia di Micheal che proprio ieri si meravigliava che la Slovenia fosse stata citata in una puntata dei Soprano!)

Ps. Chi fosse interessato a sentire come lo parlo io, l’inglese, può cliccare qui!